A Leading Data Collection and Visualisation Tool for clinicians treating patients with multiple sclerosis

iMed User Portal

The iMed Project is proudly supported by the MSBase Foundation
and is provided at no cost for registered clinicians.

iMed Users will be required to create a User Account on our new User Portal before being able to download iMed. 

This applies to the latest version of iMed as well as previous versions that are available through the Portal.

New users will be able to acquire a Licence Key via the User Portal as well.

We are excited to support the future of iMed.

Yours sincerely,
The MSBase Foundation

iMed User Portal

The latest release of iMed 7.0.7 is now available and includes the following features:

MedDRA v27.0 Implementation
iMed now supports the latest version of MedDRA

MSBase communication
iMed can now synchronize MSBase Patient IDs and sub-studies without the need to perform an immediate upload (‘Send Now’)

New Laboratory Test Units
iMed now supports two additional units for laboratory test
mIU/L and pg/mL

MRI Form
A new field ‘New or enlarging lesions since the last scan?’ has been added to the MRI form

Neurostatus Version 04/10.2 Implementation

iMed has been updated to include the latest Neurostatus algorithm version 04/10.2

You can download iMed v7.0.7 from the iMed User Portal.
Please proceed to the iMed User Portal and create a user account, if you have not done so already.

iMed Features

We’re constantly refining iMed. Adding new features.


multi-user & network capabilities

13 languages

Powerful reporting module


Smart Graphical tools

Automatic EDSS calculation


Large & motivated user base

Centers across the world
0 +
Years of existence
Available languages


iMed is a powerful electronic system for storage of data from patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

The iMed project was initiated in March 1999, and a beta version was first presented during the ECTRIMS 99 congress in Basel, Switzerland. iMed version 1.0 was launched in January 2000.

Since then, regular upgrades were released based on input and requests from many iMed users and MS experts in the world. iMed rapidly became a software leader for the management of MS patient records.

It allows you to manage and display all the important information about your patients, including their medical history, neurological status, relapses, treatments, neurological rating scores on various scales (EDSS, Scripps Neurological Rating Scale (SNRS)), and results on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and evoked-potentials tests

iMed has an intuitive user interface and clear data structure, which allows you to become immediately productive. In particular, iMed provides interactive graphical charts, which allow you to quickly analyze data on multiple patients, or to drill-down to the details on a specific patient.By providing secure multi-user support, iMed allows physicians in a hospital or medical center to share a single patient database between multiple users and assign appropriate rights and data access privileges to each user account.

General inquiries and membership assistance

Email: info@msbase.org
Phone: +61 3 9903 8264

Central Clinical School @ The Alfred Centre
99 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004, AUSTRALIA

© 2020-2024 MSBase Foundation – All rights reserved

Last Update: October 2024